I just moved here from FL and this seems insane to me. Is this normal? They’re going to get someone killed, the limit is 65 mph at that ramp. I wish it was like a one time thing but it’s like every 3rd day I get stuck behind a different car that merges below 30 mph and then eventually will get up to speed a couple of miles down the road. Am I crazy?
Why are there so many Florida people around? Any time I’m on the interstate, there’s always a few Florida plates. Any other state is rare.
And last night, the Florida plate was going slow in the leftmost lane, being passed on the right by everyone. I don’t understand how people can be so oblivious. We need stricter driving tests.
Edit: and zipper merges! I got honked at and flipped off the other day because some idiot can’t count to one.
I noticed that too! There’s so many, I would have expected most out of state plates to be NH or NY or something but I see FL plates everywhere.
I have a theory, a LOT of my coworkers have property in FL because they want to retire there, I think they’re trying to evade taxes by claiming their FL property as their primary residence, may as well register their car there too.
Bold of them to assume Florida will still be there by that time.