Another Metroid 64, a passion project from InDenial Game Studio inspired by fans’ longing for an unmade Metroid game on the Nintendo 64. Their creation aims to deliver a captivating and immersive experience, staying true to the essence of the original “Metroid” series by Nintendo.
- Level Design: showcases intricate maps designed to offer varied exploration opportunities.
- Gameplay: features mechanics that align with the Metroid universe’s core gameplay elements.
- Animated Cutscenes: add depth to the story, enhancing the narrative experience.
- Developer Update Coming Soon: more details on the game’s progress and future plans will be shared.
Does this match or exceed the way you imagined a Metroid game on the Nintendo 64?
The only way that a project like this can succeed is by Stealth dropping it once complete, like the Mario 64 pc port.