
Israelis have been caught lying so many times about Oct. 7 “Hamas sexual violence” and other fabrications that, nine months later, every new claim should be reflexively treated as a lie:


finally the first Israeli who claims they are a “survivor of October 7 rape” has appeared. Who is it? An anonymous guy who made up a deranged incoherent story with zero corroborating evidence who sued the Israeli state for half a billion shekels (over 137 million dollars). A genocide-grifter

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[Headline:] Survivor shares testimony of rape during Hamas’ ‘Nova’ party massacre - report

This is the first time a survivor of the massacre has openly discussed his sexual assault by terrorists.


JULY 23, 2024 22:42

[Highlighted Paragraph] On the morning of October 7, D escaped alone from the terrorists until he was caught. “These were Nukhba terrorists, really pinning you to the floor,” he recalled. “You try to resist, and they take off your clothes, laugh at you, humiliate you, spit on you, touch your body parts, and rape you.”

D continued to describe the difficult moments: “There’s a circle, they’re laughing, and you don’t know what to do at that moment, whether to resist or let it pass, how to deal with the situation. [Highlighted after] It was a very brutal rape. At some point, more people arrived and called them, so they had to stop.”[Highlighted before]

This is the first time a survivor of the massacre has openly discussed his sexual assault by terrorists.

[Highlighted Paragraph] At the beginning of the year, D filed a massive lawsuit against the state for half a billion shekels along with dozens of other survivors. In the lawsuit, they claim they still feel abandoned today. “A large part of them can’t return to work, to life,” said lawyers Gilad and Anat Ginzburg, who represent the “Nova” survivors.

Source: https://x.com/aaronjmate/status/1815846978250760321