
When you raise your hand to veto ceasefires, you ensure that tens of thousands will die agonizing deaths at the hands of the foreign ethnosupremacist state you serve. Behind the mask of diversity and democracy, you commit titanic administrative crimes. You’re a Little Eichmann.


There is no place for antisemitism from UN-affiliated officials tasked with promoting human rights. While the United States has never supported Francesca Albanese’s mandate, it is clear she is not fit for this or any position at the UN.


UN Special Rapporteur @FranceskAlbs’s comparison of Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler is reprehensible and antisemitic​. There should be no place for such dehumanizing rhetoric. Special rapporteurs should be striving to improve human rights challenges, not inflame them.

Source: https://x.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1817019986235232396