• Do you ever notice how words experiencing semantic drift are mainly adjectives and practically never scientifically-defined words? There’s a reason the words “bridge” or “steel-frame building” or “transistor” still mean the same as back when they were first uttered.

    But lets take an example.

    Did you know that Dinosaurs also experienced semantic drift? Actual Dinosaurs are just a few select reptiles that went extinct during a specific time period. But we still use the Term to refer to all of them. Does that mean that the meaning changed? No, if you study it, you will still learn the correct term. You know why? Because words have meanings.

    Or let’s take it further

    we use the term “Dinosaur” colloquially to refer to old stuff or old people. But you would never seriously say “well, colloquially old people are called Dinosaurs, so ‘in essence’, [Donald Trump / Joe Biden] is a extinct lizard”, would you?

    Because you instinctively know that words have meanings and just because we call something a Dinosaur it doesn’t mean that it is one.

    Have you never taken a linguistics class of any sort? o.O

    Says the person who’s saying I’m not talking about what I’m talking about, because he has an opinion. roflmao

    anyways, since your parents apparently never taught you how not to be an asshole, I will not entertain this conversation any further.

    Have a nice day and may I never see you again, blocked stranger

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      anyways, since your parents apparently never taught you how not to be an asshole, I will not entertain this conversation any further.

      No, that’s not the reason. The reason is yours never taught you to lose. To admit when you’re in the wrong.

      That’s why when I’m talking about colloquialisms and semantic shift, you start having a tantrum and screaming about semantic drift, which actually is a specific type of semantic change. “Drift” being different from “development”.

      anyways, since your parents apparently never taught you how not to be an asshole

      You are literally having a tantrum over me proving that I said what I said, instead of what you thought I said. Beyond ridiculous.

      PM me and I’ll pay for a linguistics class for you so you don’t have to feel this ashamed on Lemmy anymore. :8