Short version: Drew, their employee with the most public facing role and known to be a chill guy and left-leaning, left the company with some celebration but zero explanation. This got folks looking, and they saw that the Goulets are heavily involved with planting (think “franchising” or may more accurately “metastasizing”) a new church that was growing out from a larger one that has all the usual disgusting anti-LGBT+ rhetoric, and the new church has a mission statement that includes bible literalism and explicitly places men above women in home life and church roles. Also, Reddit being Reddit, the mods handled it all very clumsily and in a way that makes it look they’ve traded their integrity for a couple of pens.
The Goulet family has released a video statement on the Goulet Pens YouTube channel for anyone interested in their response.
For those not inclined to watch, here’s a selection from the transcript:
Notably present: Denials that they hate anyone or would treat people with disrespect, specifically including the LGBTQ+ community.
Notably absent: Any serious suggestion that they will leave this church.
Take it for what you will. I dunno. I doubt they’re different people than they were two weeks ago. They’re certainly not frothing-at-the-mouth old school homophobes, but when you fundamentally, deeply believe that your God considers certain lifestyles are sinful, your brand of inclusion can feel hollow and calculated.
Too much for me to unpack, and shame on anybody who thought they knew well enough to threaten them (if that happened), but they also need to acknowledge that placing faith, especially politically active American Evangelical Christianity, at the forefront of their brand might eventually affect their perception among segments of their customer base.