spicy pancake

paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • > be me
    > going thorough extremely rough time in my life, just trying to keep it together day by day
    > friend across town offers to have me over for the night so I can shower, do laundry, have a meal with him and catch up
    > nocar.jpg
    > waiting at bus stop
    > random guy in an anime tshirt and fedora is staring at me, incrementally stepping closer
    > pleasejustleavemealone.avi
    > he suddenly lunges toward me while screaming something about energy weapons
    > fuckthis.ogg
    > begin sprinting for previous bus stop, maybe i can get on the back of the bus and he won’t notice me when he gets on
    > fucking schizos

  • In addition to other reasons listed in replies, there’s a fair bit of bacteria that excrete antifungal compounds into their environment so that they can colonize it more effectively than the mold.

    There are viruses that attack fungi, too.

    Any environment that hasn’t been sterilized by some means is a constant microbial warzone between bacteria, fungi, algae, archea, viruses, etc. with the current winners being determined by how favorable the conditions (moisture, pH, toxin concentration, etc.) are to each species.