I read this as OOP philosophy 😂
You only have to cut the scapes once per season (and it doesn’t cause additional cloves to form, it just makes the existing ones bigger since it’s not putting energy into trying to flower). Growing hard neck garlic is easy and you get awesome garlic out of it, way better than lame ass grocery store soft neck garlic with a million cloves the size of a grain of sand (obvious hyperbole but still). Plus garlic scapes are delicious stir fried.
Actually, it’s the bike’s geometry rather than a gyroscopic effect. Try rolling a bike backwards rather than forward - it’ll topple quickly
Hot take: every individual is in worship of something, whether that be a higher power, abstract moral ideals, money, vices, or even self. All worshipers have the capacity for extremism, even If you think you worship nothing. Take care of yourself and your fellow man.
Shut up Wesley
On a normal size phone screen it’s easy to make out the words for me with normal vision
Win+X > U > U
Shuts down your machine with no mouse required, use U > R if you wanna restart
…and Azula waterbending?
Black hats are typical hackers, white hats are ethical hackers. So grey hats are just morally ambiguous hackers
Is there a reason you’re not just doing “cargo run”?