Executive Editor of The American Prospect returns to Bad Faith to help decipher Kamala Harris’s economic policy. Having dodged interviews and eschewed posting policy proposals, we’re left reading the tea leaves— analyzing who she’s surrounded herself with, and what her surrogates have been saying on CNBC and beyond. What does it mean that her brother in law, Uber’s chief legal officer & Obama DOJ alum is a senior advisor? How does someone who fought for drivers to be classified as contract employees advise Kamala’s labor policy? Will she be an ally for the banks over the people— echoing the DOJ’s choices after the financial crash? When people close to the candidate refuse to give straight answers on whether Lina Khan will remain head of the FTC, is it because Kamala is trying to avoid ticking off donors who want her gone? Or because she’s trying to avoid ticking off the voters who think she’s the best thing Biden been did? Few are better equipped than Dayen to break it all down.