• Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    I just want to join in to remind everyone that multiple things can be true at the same time.

    • The DNC/Biden can and should be doing better.

    • We only have 2 options for president. It will be one of the two main candidates because that is how the system works. Don’t pretend it doesn’t. You either vote for one of those two or you are ok with either.

    • We should be pressuring Biden to do more about both Ukraine and Gaza. Ending both conflicts and getting aid to people.

    • Choosing to vote for a 3rd party to protest Biden’s response to Gaza/Israel is only going to help Trump in the short term. Yes, long term Biden and DNC may notice their total votes going down, but in the short term it will put Trump in the Whitehouse and now what? What did you accomplish if the DNC realizes they fucked up, but can’t do anything about it because Trump is now a dictator?

    • Politics is a slow moving thing. Too many people expect some perfect ideal candidate or policy and won’t compromise on anything. That isn’t how it works, you have to compromise and slowly pull things the way you want. It doesn’t happen in one election cycle.

    • We should have been and should be campaigning and pushing for changes to our system so that we can have better options in the future. We need to push for Ranked Choice Voting (or anything better than FPTP). And voting in local level elections to make small changes across the country. Term limits. Campaign finance reforms. Etc etc. because until we get a new system we effectively can’t just vote for who we want or it doesn’t do anything more than a fart in a hurricane.

    I see a lot of people who are saying they will not vote for Biden because the Gaza/Israel issue. Which I completely understand. But the two truths you have to accept in doing so is that you will not be complicit in the genocide. But you will be complicit if Trump wins. Both can be true. You decide which one you would rather see. If you don’t want Trump then the only option is a vote for Biden. And until we reform our voting system we don’t have viable 3rd parties and pretending we do is just delusional. Look at every election for the last hundred years and you will see enough proof. It’s not ideal, but it is reality. **Accept it **so we can change it together.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      3 months ago

      I would add that there ARE things you can do to help stop the genocide, that are not refusing to vote. I absolutely believe that the demonstrations, protest votes, calls to congresspeople, and so on, are part of what’s behind the changes to the US’s Israel policy recently (sanctions on settlers, pause in the weapons shipments, stuff like that - that’s nowhere near enough and no excuse for Biden’s support for Israel during the “war” and before it, but also, nothing ANYWHERE near that has happened in 75 years of consistently war-criminal support by the US for Israel).

      All that stuff makes a difference and can help stop the genocide. Refusing to vote does nothing to stop the genocide and risks putting someone in office who is much much worse (actively wants to kill more Palestinians.)

      • Veneroso@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Not voting lets Trump do the genocide instead.

        Voting is literally the least effective form of civil engagement.

        But at least voting for Biden you’re maybe not going to see project 2025 come to pass.


        This is their plan if they win, it’s in the open, and it’s the end of Democracy in the United States.

        Do you want to not vote? If you don’t vote you might not ever vote again.

        Even if you aren’t lgbtq it’s highly unlikely that you don’t know someone who isn’t. They will suffer first.

        Know any women? They’ll lose control over their bodies, thier periods monitored by the state

        You like having sex? Don’t like getter her pregnant though? Hope that you like pilling out because say goodbye to condoms. Actually that’s a sin to spill your seed so you’re going to jail for that too.

        Say that you actually want to have a baby? Maybe you waited to do it, but now you’re having trouble? Say goodbye to invitro fertilization. That’s not God’s way. If he wanted you to have a baby he would have made it happen. Clearly something is wrong with you. You’re defective and must be bad.

        Oh, you call God by a different name or don’t believe? Sucks, you’re going to need some corrective education. You Heathen!

        It’s literally good to be A Handmaid’s Tale.

        But stand by your principles. Maybe it won’t happen here.

        But what if it does?

        When God Emperor Trump jails his enemies. Suspends the constitution. “Leader for life, I like the sound of that.”

  • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    What the fuck is this shit? Motherfucker, I lived through these elections, and this is some boomer revisionist bull shit.

    Al Gore lost because he couldn’t differentiate himself from god-damned George W Bush. He was too centrist to encourage the left base to show up for him.

    Kerry lost because he couldn’t articulate his better vision for America, and was too centrist to encourage the left base to show up for him.

    Hillary lost because she didn’t even try to reach out to the left base. She was too centrist to beat Donald Fucking Trump.

    Three ostensibly intelligent leaders who lost their elections to fucking morons because they thought that they didn’t need to try very hard to reach out to progressive voters.

    Any one of them would have been a better President than what we got, but the fact that they all lost means they did something wrong. It isn’t the fault of the voters demanding better, it’s the fault of the party failing to meet the demand.

    • GrundlButter@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      3 months ago

      I think this election is a little different in that we have a known threat that is significantly worse than the alternative. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Trump is a threat to democracy and to anyone that doesn’t want to live under religious law as interpreted by the Republicans.

      The other candidate is harm reduction presidentially personified. That is the best choice we actually have, and the consequences for disincentivizing left leaning or undecided voters is much worse than Bush, and that’s saying something.

      Vote against Christ flavored dictatorship, and encourage others to do the same. And not some impossible 3rd party bullshit.

      • cyr0catdrag0nz@sh.itjust.works
        3 months ago

        If either third party gets even 5% this election, they qualify for federal funding and could have a greater influence in the future. Third party votes are ESSENTIAL when the establishment wins any other way.

  • moon@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Not saying you shouldn’t do the right thing when the choice is limited, but how about the DNC stops putting its finger on the scale for unpopular establishment candidates?

    It’s clear that the ‘safe’ choice can still lose, so why not go for the person the base actually likes instead of another centrist wet napkin who appeals to no one?

    • Refurbished Refurbisher@lemmy.sdf.org
      3 months ago

      The DNC is bought by big money donors just like the RNC is. Those big money donors would rather see a fascist in charge than a socialist.

      History repeats itself once again.

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Yeah I never understood wanting to vote for the “guy I want to have a beer with” thing.

    The guys I have beers with are nice enough and funny at times, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want them running the country.

    I want a boring as fuck, never misses any details, workaholic kind or person running the country. Someone I wouldn’t want to have a beer with because all they ever talk about is their job.

      • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
        3 months ago

        ignore him

        Not true, they shifted focus to him for a while so they could do everything in their power to kneecap and malign him when he had a plausible shot at giving them the presidency in 2016, and grabbing them support from a generation of young voters who were for the only time in their lives actually wholly excited to vote for somebody, anybody, who seemed like he might care about them and want to do great things with the awesome power of the American presidency.

        He was the most popular politician in America for YEARS after they decided he wasn’t their guy, and is still more popular today than either Biden or Trump.

        I want to put a sad emoji here, but I can’t actually find one that is sufficient to convey what I want to express about it

  • Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Yeah, it’s totally our fault the Dems have to see how far right they can possibly get away with. And they just “aren’t for us” completely diminishes our issues. This is a problem created by the DNC, it is not created by the voters.

    Donald Trump was the DNCs fault for running a centrist, dirty candidate. Not ours for not falling in love with her. Your fucking guilting us into voting for a turd sandwitch is bullshit. Stop sucking.

    I have and will vote against Donald Trump, but I am not donating and making calls like I did for Bernie. Biden is a big pile of literally not Donald Trump, that’s all he is.

    The fact that you need grassroots help to win an election when you can easily represent a large majority of the voters by just representing the voters is your fault.

    • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      You may have been taught in school that democracy is an ideal system. But when you become an adult you learn the truth about it. It’s not actually about getting the perfect person that everyone agrees with in power. Because that’s impossible, people don’t agree on anything.

      Democracy is really about preventing the worst people from having power. You will never be voting for someone that you 100% agree with because that’s impossible, no one agrees on everything. But it’s your duty as a citizen to determine who is are the worst people on the ballot and determine which way to vote to either remove those people from power or prevent them from getting it. That’s what democracy really is. Welcome to adulthood.

      • hark@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Democracy isn’t about filtering candidates through one of only two viable parties that are both completely controlled by rich donors.

    • Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      That is really the best way to put my frustrations. IT IS NOT MY FAULT YOU DON’T LIKE ME, ITS YOURS. It is literally a popularity contest and you are worried about losing to a criminal. But sure, we are the crazies, not you. This country has never needed another party so bad.

  • hark@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Democrats should try changing their strategy since it’s obviously not working.